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PostPosted: 12/03/04 1:41 am    ::: OT: IT'S OFFICIAL...BONDS ADMITS TO TAKING STEROIDS! Reply Reply with quote

According to the newspaper report, Bonds told a federal grand jury that he used a clear substance and cream supplied by BALCO, but that he did not know they were steroids.

Prosecutors charge that BALCO has distributed undetectable steroids to elite athletes in the form of a clear substance taken orally and a cream that is rubbed onto the body.

In his testimony, Bonds reportedly said he received and used the substances, which were given to him by his personal trainer, Greg Anderson, during the 2003 season. Bonds says Anderson told him they were nutritional supplement flaxseed oil and a rubbing balm for athritis.

Last edited by DivAAA on 12/03/04 1:45 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 1:43 am    ::: Re: OT: IT'S OFFICIAL...BONDS ADMITS TO TAKING STEROIDS! Reply Reply with quote

Then, there's Conte interview, which will be aired on ABCs 20/20 tomorrow night about watching Marion Jones inject herself.

NEW YORK - Olympic star Marion Jones injected herself in the leg with human growth hormone while BALCO head Victor Conte watched, he told ABC News in an interview for “20/20,” to be aired Friday.

Jones was also given other performance-enhancing drugs by Conte, one of four men indicted in an alleged steroid-distribution ring.

Jones’ attorneys denied that she ever used performance-enhancing drugs.

In excerpts released by the network of the interview to be broadcast Friday night, Conte said he started supplying Jones with performance-enhancing drugs in the weeks leading up to the 2000 Olympics, where Jones won five medals.

Conte said he gave her a substance called “the clear,” which was later determined to be THG, EPO and insulin. He also showed her how to inject hGH into her leg.

“After I instructed her how to do it and dialed it up, she did the injection with me sitting right there next to her ... right in front of me,” he told ABC.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 1:59 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I'll be watching that interview tomorrow night.

Over the past month, American sports has been a public relations nightmare.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 2:16 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

See there, Marion wanted to get that track money. But she decided to sell her soul to the devil, when she could have came and played in the WNBA.

But, that's messed up. The supplement market is so completive, I can see that happening. It's like having a weedspot on every corner, to get ahead of the market, many dealers would lace their weed with something to knock your socks off. You got to know what kind of people you are dealing with. I believe it's the same way with supplements. I've heard of people buying what they thought was over the counter supplements, from someone because they saw better results. They told them it was a cocktail of supplements put together based on their blood chemistry. They guy would swear by these supplement to the point where he would take them out in the open at the gym. It turned out, that he was given a designer form of supplements.

Not saying that Barry is lying or telling the truth, just that this Conti and Anderson dude, seems to be selfish enough, to make them think they were getting the best supplements when all along they were giving them steroids.

Now if Marion was injecting herself, then she knew what she was doing. But a cream, I can see people being played with that. If you don't educate yourself about these things and you don't know what kind of people you are dealing with.

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(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.•´*~Smoov

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 6:52 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Smoovie wrote:

Now if Marion was injecting herself, then she knew what she was doing. But a cream, I can see people being played with that. If you don't educate yourself about these things and you don't know what kind of people you are dealing with.

Smoovie these guys ALL knew perfectly well what they were doing. They felt it in their bodies and and saw the results in their performances first hand. They're performance enhancing drugs. lol! Do you think that Bonds thought his own dominance of major league baseball the last four years was just part of the run up to turning 40? It's sad about Marion Jones. She should have gone to Sydney clean (She didn't, it seems, and God knows where that part of the story is going to end up. Maybe she'll lose her medals. Ouch!) and taken what medals she could FAIRLY and retired with her dignity and that smile to the WNBA.

But this is past the "Say it Ain't So, Marion" stage. She's busted. And Bonds can say whatever he wants to. The question really comes down to how deeply in denial is the sports world when it comes to its greatest stars?

You don't break Babe Ruth's home run record by using steroids to do it. You're Toilet Boy, Barry, in my book for not retiring from the sport you've disgraced, in shame. You got where you are now by using a performance enhancing steroid. You cheated your way to the top and you're helping to set a very destructive precedent that will establish for decades the message that doping can lead to the greatest of immortal treasures. What young athletes are going to be able to resist after watching Barry Bonds blast through the 700s in career home runs?

But the media and the fans... hey... they may give it to him. Next year you're probably going to see the headline...Bonds passes Ruth.

That'll be a sad day. It's bad enough that people think this guy is the greatest player ever, and lots of people do. If the last four years had never happened nobody would be saying that. To pass Babe Ruth under these circumstances... to send that sort of a message to the world, to history, to kids, that in America we got to the point where we will accept having our legends eclipsed by doped up cheaters... whew... I don't know.

I know Bud Zelig is beyond being an empty suit. He let all this happen. This shit should have stopped in baseball with Mark McGuire being tarred and feathered and run out of baseball when he made his "HISTORIC" assault on the record books.

One of these days someone is going to build an android or something and when it's revealed that he's not human a lot of the official and public response will depend on what the thing's stat line looked like.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 7:28 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
I know Bud Zelig is beyond being an empty suit. He let all this happen. This shit should have stopped in baseball with Mark McGuire being tarred and feathered and run out of baseball when he made his "HISTORIC" assault on the record books.

Selig wants to do something, but he can't. The players' association won't let him. Baseball ain't like other sports in that regard. When Tom Glavine says the kind of stuff Sonja Henning used to say nobody laughs, they panic.

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 10:13 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

They felt it in their bodies and and saw the results in their performances first hand.

I don't believe steroids do what their claim is. Because I'm around the gym all the time, and I have yet to see someone who is suspected of being a user, that not a gym rat. So, I really feel that it's more mental than anything. Is it the steroid or is it what they think the steroid can do? The gym becomes an obsession to many of those using. You it's really hard for me to believe that it's the steroids making them better.
I believe the brain is more powerful than anything you can come up with in a lab. Sometime you just have to trick it, to turn it on.

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 11:10 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I was a Marion Jones defender, about the only Carolina athlete I can stand (mainly because she left, giving up her last year of basketball and thumbing her nose at Sylvia by training at NC State). While there was no smoking gun, I certainly recognized the puff of smoke in the room.

Now, there is the smoking gun, with Marion's fingerprints on it.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 1:00 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

CamrnCrz1974 wrote:
I was a Marion Jones defender, about the only Carolina athlete I can stand (mainly because she left, giving up her last year of basketball and thumbing her nose at Sylvia by training at NC State). While there was no smoking gun, I certainly recognized the puff of smoke in the room.

Now, there is the smoking gun, with Marion's fingerprints on it.

Yeah, this is a sad day for Marion's fans.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 1:40 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

very sad. i'm still in denial, leaving the door open, but . . .

yup, she shoulda opted for the w.

no justice, no peace.

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 1:45 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

sebibb wrote:
very sad. i'm still in denial, leaving the door open, but . . .

yup, she shoulda opted for the w.

Me too. I'm still holding out for her being proven innocent.

Are the Mercury taking orders for Marion Jones' jerseys yet?


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 3:45 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Conte's claims include:

# He personally gave "The Clear," an undetectable steroid, to Bonds' trainer.

# He watched Marion Jones inject human growth hormone in 2001. Conte says he ended his relationship with Jones because she was careless about taking the drugs, and twice left her growth hormone behind in hotel rooms.

# His first steroid client was former NFL linebacker Bill Romanowski.

# Olympic drug testers are so ill-equipped to detect sophisticated steroids, they gave Tim Montgomery a clean bill of health while he was on an elaborate cocktail of insulin, growth hormone and "The Clear."
# He has personally seen a client's positive drug test at the Olympic track and field trials get covered up.

# By the time he helped Kelli White win the woman's 100- and 200-meter world championships in 2003, he was using a secret new drug that contained thyroid hormones.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 3:47 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote


Want to hear something amazing? There's a BALCO calendar for Tim that shows he was taking insulin, EPO, growth hormone, "The Clear" and adrenaline -- five different performance-enhancing agents -- through 2001. At the end of June, Tim won the United States Championship. Soon after, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency sent him a post-competition letter that said: "Congratulations, Tim. You've tested negative for all performance-enhancing substances in the sample that was collected." He was using all these drugs and [the] USADA couldn't detect any of them. So how easy is it to beat the USADA test? It's like taking candy from a baby. The results of Project World Record, by the way, were phenomenal. Tim made $600,000 in 2001.

Tim and Marion had started dating. If you ask me, the worst thing that ever happened to Marion's career was leaving C.J. He was hugely responsible for making sure she did what she was supposed to. I told her as much on June 9, 2001, at a track meet at Stanford. I had to reprimand her for getting careless. She'd left a cartridge injector in a refrigerator in a hotel room in Edmonton while she was on a promotional tour in May, and had to go back and get it. Then she left it again at a hotel in Eugene, Ore., a few days later. After the first time she forgot it, she said she'd put it in a sneaker and lean the sneaker against the refrigerator so she wouldn't forget it. Then she forgot the shoe. That injector had a thousand dollars worth of growth hormone in it!

I couldn't afford the risk. My ZMA track team was having a big year. Tim was the U.S. men's champion in the 100 meters and about to become the fastest man in the world. Chryste was the female 100-meter champion, and Kelli White was her runner-up. I couldn't afford to have Marion leave a growth-hormone injector in a room registered in her name. I was also having some financial problems with Tim: he owed me $25,000 from a personal loan. So that August, I ended my relationship with both of them. Soon I was working with their rivals.

One was British sprinter Dwain Chambers. I met Dwain at a track at the U of Miami in January 2002, and eventually gave him the full enchilada: "The Clear," insulin, EPO, growth hormone, modafinil and a testosterone cream I'd started using that didn't show up on standard drug screens. By August, he was the European 100-meter champion. I took it to the next level with Kelli White in Paris in 2003, when she became the first American woman to ever win the 100- and 200-meter titles at the same world championships. She became a very disciplined student. Besides the same things Dwain was on, she also was taking a new drug I'd started using, thyroid hormone T-3. It makes all the other drugs work more effectively by accelerating metabolic rate. You feel light as a feather. What amazes me is that all through the championships, the only thing the testers caught Kelli using was modafinil, a drug for narcolepsy.

Before I go any further, let me get to what I'm sure is on your mind: baseball.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 3:55 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

"...I was also having some financial problems with Tim: he owed me $25,000 from a personal loan. So that August, I ended my relationship with both of them. Soon I was working with their rivals.."

Could this be a motive to slander Marion?

(I still don't want to believe she did anything wrong) : (


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 4:08 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

While I'm not denying it could be true, I don't understand why ESPN, 20/20, and all the other papers believe this guy unequivocally. He appears to be a real scumbag to me.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 4:30 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Slovydal wrote:
"...I was also having some financial problems with Tim: he owed me $25,000 from a personal loan. So that August, I ended my relationship with both of them. Soon I was working with their rivals.."

Could this be a motive to slander Marion?

(I still don't want to believe she did anything wrong) : (

This was my initial reaction, when the news first surfaced, last spring, about her signature being on checks written to Victor Conte in the amount of $25,000.

Money is an important resource in life, but the extremes that these people go to is ridiculous. How is she and Tim going to explain to their son, when he is a teenager, that they both have liver cancer or the other dies of heart failure? A lot of these athletes don't care.

Next year, was going to be a helluva year for Bonds (financially and historically). Sponsors already begin their work on him breaking Aaron's record. Now, they are pulling out. That is a $#!TLOAD of $$$$ lost! I wouldn't be surprised if he announces his retirement, during this offseason.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 4:40 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Slovydal wrote:
"...I was also having some financial problems with Tim: he owed me $25,000 from a personal loan. So that August, I ended my relationship with both of them. Soon I was working with their rivals.."

Could this be a motive to slander Marion?

(I still don't want to believe she did anything wrong) : (

I'm with you Slovy, I always loved and admired her so much. I hope it is
untrue, but it doesn't look very good.



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PostPosted: 12/03/04 4:54 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

NOOOOOOOOO. Say it aint so my fave people Marion and Bones Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 5:09 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote



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PostPosted: 12/03/04 5:19 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

In Giambi's case, they had access to court papers, so it kind of gives credibility to what this guy is saying, especially if no one will show up and defend themselves.

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 5:29 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Giambi testified and said it himself.

Even I can say that I gave something to someone. I gave growth pills to Debbie Black last summer. Can't you tell?


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 5:33 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Bonds didn't deny taking the steroids, like the cream or the "clear" stuff. What he said is that he didn't know they were

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 5:36 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I'm sorry BCB, I'm talking about the Marion situation, not Barry.


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PostPosted: 12/03/04 5:39 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Well, she has to step up and courteract, if she can. Silence won't help her case...

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PostPosted: 12/03/04 5:42 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

dtsnms wrote:
While I'm not denying it could be true, I don't understand why ESPN, 20/20, and all the other papers believe this guy unequivocally. He appears to be a real scumbag to me.

First off, the truth (as I've said many times before) has a somewhat unmistakable ring to it. No one who didn't possess the talents of an icon of fiction writing like... (gee I don't know who would be in this guy's league actually, maybe Don Delillo or Tom Wolfe or a sci fi dude like Ray Bradbury... or how about Kurt Vonnegut? He's up there in that company) could have produced something that reads like what MT posted this guy saying.

She'd left a cartridge injector in a refrigerator in a hotel room in Edmonton while she was on a promotional tour in May, and had to go back and get it. Then she left it again at a hotel in Eugene, Ore., a few days later. After the first time she forgot it, she said she'd put it in a sneaker and lean the sneaker against the refrigerator so she wouldn't forget it. Then she forgot the shoe. That injector had a thousand dollars worth of growth hormone in it!

That's why he's credible. His crediblity is bolstered FOR ME because he's explaining a possible reason why in the last decade we've see something we hadn't seen in almost a hundred years of baseball... and that is players reaching their PRIME at 36 and maintaining it for years beyond that.

Sorry. That's just NOT the way it works. So before this guy even existed in the public eye, I'm looking at these players, starting with Mark McGuire, and I'm saying... they're DOPING, the jammer has no doubts, wait for the whistle blower but know one thing... he IS out there and he will come forward at some point.

Lot of other people thinking the same thing. I'm sorry for the emotional reaction that this news triggers and will trigger in fans. But this isn't a surprise to many people at all... the surprise is that it's taken so long and that testing was so inept and so far behind the people making these substances.

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