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PostPosted: 02/27/07 11:00 pm    ::: Avatar Rules and Guidelines Reply Reply with quote

Remember the size of your avatars should be no wider than 240 pixels, I have deleted a couple of them already, please don't make them over 240 pixels wide and no more than 320 high ..

Additional info about the avatars:
The file extension has to be jpg, gif or png and the path (url) has a limit of 100 characters, all of these conditions have to be met to link to an offsite avatar.

Maximum image file size should be 32KB

Last edited by rebkell on 07/05/07 6:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: 07/05/07 6:47 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

We are getting too many over sized avatars, from this point on, I'll just delete them if they are too big. I'm not going to keep track of which ones I delete, but if I notice repeat offenders I'll disable avatars in your profile.


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PostPosted: 05/04/08 7:29 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Just to also address some avatar basics :

At the bottom of your personal profile page it says
Link to off-site Avatar:
Enter the URL of the location containing the Avatar image you wish to link to.

RebKell's boards use off-site avatars. The pictures are not hosted by RebKell's server. This method saves bandwidth for the boards.
The picture you use must have a URL, which is an address on the internet (which starts with http:// ... ). It can not just be a picture you have saved on your computer.

If the URL of your image starts with https:// then it probably won't work as an avatar on this message board. Try removing the "s" so that it is just http:// at the start, and it should work.

As a general rule, a valid URL will generally end with a 3-character filetype extension such as .jpg .gif .png etc.

If you want to use your own picture, we suggest keeping a copy of it on the internet by using one of the many free photo hosting websites,
such as or These sites don't even require you to have an account with them to store photos.
When you store a photo there you will be given its URL. Just copy & paste that URL into the avatar area of your profile and you are done.

A quick & easy way to test that the URL is correct is to paste the URL into a new window of your browser.
The picture (and nothing but the picture) should be displayed. If it doesn't work on your browser then it won't work here.
Please do this test before loading the URL into your profile page.

Also please note the other avatar conditions:
* As stated above by RebKell, the file must be either a .jpg, .gif or .png file. Other picture types will not work.
* File size can be no more than 32kb. This stops pages from loading sluggishly. Most people have fast internet connections but some don't, so please be considerate and stay within this limit.
* Avatar size must be a maximum of 240 pixels wide and 320 pixels high. Anything larger than that will be deleted once spotted, even if it's one pixel over.
Your image hosting website should tell you the dimensions of your avatar. If not, you might also be able to find out using your internet browser. For example in Internet Explorer you can right-click on any photo, select "Properties" from the menu that appears, and the photo's dimensions will be shown, as will the file size.

Thanks for calling. I wait all night for calls like these.

Last edited by Luuuc on 08/25/18 3:52 pm; edited 4 times in total

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PostPosted: 05/04/08 10:14 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

That should be not .com

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PostPosted: 05/04/08 11:20 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Thanks pilight.
Post corrected.

Thanks for calling. I wait all night for calls like these.
Carol Anne

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PostPosted: 09/27/08 4:24 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Is Jackowacko's "signature," complete with color photo of male basketball player, really kosher with Rebkell's?

I find it very disruptive, since it shows up even in the non-avatar format.


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PostPosted: 09/27/08 5:26 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Carol Anne wrote:
Is Jackowacko's "signature," complete with color photo of male basketball player, really kosher with Rebkell's?

I find it very disruptive, since it shows up even in the non-avatar format.

I'm not fond of it either.

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PostPosted: 09/27/08 7:15 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I don't see a problem with the content of the photo, but I agree that its presence alone uglifies the board. If everyone had that the boards would be very hard to read.
I'll mention it in the moderators area.

Thanks for calling. I wait all night for calls like these.
Carol Anne

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PostPosted: 09/28/08 6:45 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Luuuc wrote:
I don't see a problem with the content of the photo, but I agree that its presence alone uglifies the board. If everyone had that the boards would be very hard to read.
I'll mention it in the moderators area.
Thanks, Luuuc!


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PostPosted: 09/28/08 8:17 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

OK, I don't really mind a picture in someone's signature. Its Kevin Garnett, its not like s/he has some porno thing or something. But whatever, ya know? What really bothers me is this:

Carol Anne wrote:
Is Jackowacko's "signature," complete with color photo of male basketball player, really kosher with Rebkell's?

Why exactly is the word "male" italicized? Is the fact that Kevin Garnet is a man the issue? Or is it the fact that its a (OMG) color picture of a man? I mean, really? That's offensive? A color picture of a dude? What the hell is that?

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PostPosted: 09/28/08 8:29 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

You know if there becomes a prohibition about having a pic of a guy basketball player in the signature, that's going to be a real stupid thing.

Just because you are a fan of women's basketball doesn't mean you can't be a fan of men's basketball as well.

What's wrong with cross promotion?

Are you supposed to pretend guys don't play basketball here on know where they have a whole subforum for the NBA?

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PostPosted: 09/28/08 8:54 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Carol Anne wrote:
Is Jackowacko's "signature," complete with color photo of male basketball player, really kosher with Rebkell's?

I find it very disruptive, since it shows up even in the non-avatar format.

Yes, it is. While this is mainly a WNBA forum, we do also have forums for the NBA. I don't see anything wrong with it, other than the fact that it may be a bit too big. You italicizing the word male seems to imply that you have a problem with the fact that Kevin Garnett is male. If he was female, would you complain?

Sexism goes both ways.

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PostPosted: 09/28/08 9:11 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

idchafee wrote:
OK, I don't really mind a picture in someone's signature. Its Kevin Garnett, its not like s/he has some porno thing or something. But whatever, ya know? What really bothers me is this:

Carol Anne wrote:
Is Jackowacko's "signature," complete with color photo of male basketball player, really kosher with Rebkell's?

Why exactly is the word "male" italicized? Is the fact that Kevin Garnet is a man the issue? Or is it the fact that its a (OMG) color picture of a man? I mean, really? That's offensive? A color picture of a dude? What the hell is that?

That's why I said that I didn't mind the content of the photo. Whether its male, female, basketball or football doesn't really bother me at all, as long as it is within the normal boundaries of decency. Same deal as avatars.
My worry was that photos in signatures are not allowed on this board, but what Jackowacko is doing is effectively the same thing, which is manually posting the same photo (& text) at the bottom of every post.

If it were my board I wouldn't allow it, purely because if you allow one person to do it, you have to allow everyone to do it. I don't know how many of you have visited the Silver Stars Nation board, but a lot of people have giant avatars & sig line photos, and it makes the place (1) ugly as hell, (2) difficult to read, and (3) slow to load up for anyone without a broadband connection. For those reasons I'm not a fan of that format.

With all that said though, it's not my board, the photo thing is not a widespread problem, and others don't feel the way I do, so we are going to leave it be for now.

Thanks for calling. I wait all night for calls like these.

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PostPosted: 09/28/08 9:50 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Luuuc wrote:
If it were my board I wouldn't allow it, purely because if you allow one person to do it, you have to allow everyone to do it. I don't know how many of you have visited the Silver Stars Nation board, but a lot of people have giant avatars & sig line photos, and it makes the place (1) ugly as hell, (2) difficult to read, and (3) slow to load up for anyone without a broadband connection. For those reasons I'm not a fan of that format

All that makes perfect sense, and in that respect I can agree, although it doesn't bother me in the slightest. What I was taking issue with was Carol Anne's implication that the fact that it was a picture of a guy that was her issue. I got the distinct feeling that her issue wasn't with the picture itself, but rather that it was a picture of a guy.

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PostPosted: 09/28/08 10:09 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I'm with luuuc. One pic leads to another and soon the ridiculous sigs are taking up twice as much space as the posts.

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Carol Anne

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PostPosted: 09/29/08 6:12 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Both things bothered me.

It's distracting to see a color photo on anotherwise clean page of text--especially when it's "quoted" by other posters. Yes, that it's of a male basketball player is irritating to me. This is a women's basketball board. As an avatar, okay. But, please, not as a signature. Exclamation


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PostPosted: 09/29/08 6:58 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Carol Anne wrote:
Yes, that it's of a male basketball player is irritating to me. This is a women's basketball board.

Either you're blind (in which case I apologize for antagonizing you) or you've got some pretty damn selective vision and/or are one of those "I think so, so it must be correct" types (in which case I don't apologize for antagonising you). The statement "This is a women's basketball board" is factually incorrect. Its a message board. Its got a NFL forum, its got an NCAA mens forum, its got an NBA forum. Hell, the women's basketball forum isn't even the busiest. The political/catch-all forum is twice as busy as the WNBA one.

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Carol Anne

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PostPosted: 09/29/08 10:53 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Ouch. Sorry I asked.


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PostPosted: 09/29/08 11:59 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Yeah, I'm thinking it's not cool, too- didn't kage want to put a little banner in her (?) signature, and that was shot down?

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PostPosted: 09/29/08 1:58 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

pilight wrote:
I'm with luuuc. One pic leads to another and soon the ridiculous sigs are taking up twice as much space as the posts.

I agree too. It kills when loading the site from a Blackberry (which I do often).

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PostPosted: 09/29/08 3:10 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Queenie wrote:
Yeah, I'm thinking it's not cool, too- didn't kage want to put a little banner in her (?) signature, and that was shot down?

gpark33 wrote:
I agree too. It kills when loading the site from a Blackberry (which I do often).

Both of which are very good reasons for removing the picture in question. Carol Anne's, not so much.

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PostPosted: 09/29/08 10:02 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

The fact that JackoWacko had to subvert the normal signature process to have that pic is evidence enough for me that it's not intended to be that way.

I remember when I had to macro my sigs back in the BBS days. I miss Prune Net.

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PostPosted: 10/04/08 2:45 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I know this may be a little bit off topic but how do I get my signature to show, I tried to add a signature but it doesn't show when I click save. Could someone help me, thanks Very Happy

opps...nevermind I figured it out Laughing


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PostPosted: 04/28/09 6:38 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I'm just wondering if the rules have been changed... there have been so many over-sized avatars on the board lately. Confused

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PostPosted: 04/29/09 6:21 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Thrillrider08 wrote:
I'm just wondering if the rules have been changed... there have been so many over-sized avatars on the board lately.


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