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Will You Be Getting the Coronavirus Vaccine?
 40%  [ 6 ]
Hell to the Yeah
 20%  [ 3 ]
Throw a dart and aim for my ass, yes
 20%  [ 3 ]
Use a blowgun and hit me in the neck as I drive by the ER
 6%  [ 1 ]
No, personal health reasons
 6%  [ 1 ]
No, I don't trust/believe in it.
 6%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 15

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Joined: 18 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: 03/14/21 6:11 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

So basically y'all are adopting the same model New York did. The various guys in camo who ushered me through the stations didn't even look at the attestation and only looked at my ID because the site I got jabbed at was residency-based.

Ultimately, while in an ideal world the priority groups would be moved through in an orderly and efficient fashion, the most important thing is that people get vaccinated. (So long as supply is not the bottleneck, which is no longer the issue as far as I know.) Even if someone doesn't qualify and *knows* they don't qualify and still gets the shot, their vaccination protects at-risk people they interact with.

"We all have a platform. We all have a voice & they all hold weight. Silence is a luxury."

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PostPosted: 03/14/21 7:49 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

My wife signed up for the vaccine at a residency-based place and I did not sign up with her because I never bothered to update my license when we moved so I did not have the right documentation to make my appointment. A friend of mine said, "you should have just signed up. By the time her appointment comes around, they'll have opened it up."

Lo and behold, she went Friday and the only thing they checked was that her license said Brooklyn, not the specific zip code so I could have been vaccinated with her.

But I am blessed to have my own appointment in a few weeks so I'm not complaining, just pointing out more of the head scratching with regards to this vaccine and how it is being distributed.

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PostPosted: 03/14/21 11:09 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

After the first week, they opened up the Brooklyn and Queens sites to all residents of the respective boroughs, instead of the restricted ZIP codes. Someone gave me the heads-up about Queens, and thus I got my shot.

Also, the address documentation was *really* generous. If you rent, you could have brought your lease; you could even have had current mail and a statement from another person such as your partner, and you would probably have been in the clear. At least that's the wording on the paperwork from York. I can't imagine it was that different for Medgar Evers (assuming that's the Brooklyn site you're referring to). Although now I'm wondering how the Queens residency requirement and recognizing Queens residency would go for people from the nebulous borderland between Queens and Nassau. I guess ZIP codes? Or just "Screw it, a vaccinated person is a vaccinated person."

"We all have a platform. We all have a voice & they all hold weight. Silence is a luxury."

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PostPosted: 03/15/21 10:18 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Reading Jammer's posts reveals the sad irony of what happens when politicians make political decisions based on identity politics, and then different categories of identity politics collide with each other.

We do know certain things about Covid that should inform the vaccination process. First, the average age of Covid fatalities exceeds the average lifespan age of persons in the U.S. Second, depending on the state, nursing home/congregate setting deaths account for 30%-70% of the deaths. Third, the average Covid death has 2.5 comorbidities. Fourth, comorbidities skew very closely with advanced age. Fifth, for a variety of practical, legal and medical reasons, there is no universally easy way to document the relevant comorbidities, which vary from state to state and time to time according mainly to political decisions.

Therefore, when vaccine demand exceeds supply, the most logical, moral, medically effective, and easily administrated Covid vaccination system should be based strictly on age. That's what Connecticut is doing, with politically motivated exceptions for school staff and black/brown zip codes.


Different topic: Will getting fully vaccinated change your life?

It hasn't changed ours. We still have to mask, socially distance, stay away from groups, can't travel, and can't go to places or events that remain closed or attendance-restricted per incongruous political-qua-"medical" decisions made by various state and local politicians.

But it doesn't really matter to us. When you're old and unemployed, and most of your family and friends are dead or otherwise gone away, there isn't much to do anyway.

The only difference getting fully vaccinated has made in my life so far is knowing that I have made a small contribution to accelerating herd immunity (and hopefully the end of media panic porn) -- herd immunity being the only way epidemics can end and be demoted to endemics. Once Covid is reduced to a worldwide endemic disease, which I believe is the most likely outcome, I will live with it having the same level of fear I have at my age for the flu. Which is the same level of fear I had for Covid before I was vaccinated.

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PostPosted: 03/15/21 10:57 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

GlennMacGrady wrote:
Reading Jammer's posts reveals the sad irony of what happens when politicians make political decisions based on identity politics, and then different categories of identity politics collide with each other.


Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/15/21 2:28 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Got an appointment! Tomorrow morning! Shocked First try.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/15/21 2:34 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Got shot #1 this morning at a very well run Kaiser vaccine clinic. I wish you all good luck in getting yours. Three weeks to shot #2 and already booked a dental appointment for early May for a long delayed cleaning. Eye doc appointment next.

I don't think much else will change in my life except once I get done with the vaccine process I won't feel like disease is waiting for me inside a grocery store or when passing a group eating outdoors maskless. I may start wearing cloth masks again when out for walks instead of the blue medical ones or the N95's. I will be more willing to go into stores generally, masked up, of course. I will be able to use public transit again. Have not done that in over a year. I hope the variants do not cause everyone to need more vaccine right away, that would be a disaster. If we don't get people around the globe vaccinated relatively quickly more variants will inevitably emerge.


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PostPosted: 03/15/21 2:35 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
Got an appointment! Tomorrow morning! Shocked First try.

Excellent, congrats.


Joined: 18 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: 03/15/21 4:44 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

GlennMacGrady wrote:
Different topic: Will getting fully vaccinated change your life?

It hasn't changed ours. We still have to mask, socially distance, stay away from groups, can't travel, and can't go to places or events that remain closed or attendance-restricted per incongruous political-qua-"medical" decisions made by various state and local politicians.

But it doesn't really matter to us. When you're old and unemployed, and most of your family and friends are dead or otherwise gone away, there isn't much to do anyway.

The only difference getting fully vaccinated has made in my life so far is knowing that I have made a small contribution to accelerating herd immunity (and hopefully the end of media panic porn) -- herd immunity being the only way epidemics can end and be demoted to endemics. Once Covid is reduced to a worldwide endemic disease, which I believe is the most likely outcome, I will live with it having the same level of fear I have at my age for the flu. Which is the same level of fear I had for Covid before I was vaccinated.

When I'm fully vaccinated, I will be able to visit my also fully-vaccinated dad, who I have seen once in the last year, and give him a hug. We might not let go for a while. I'll feel comfortable being indoors long enough to get my hair sheared so that it's not in everything, because I am tired of picking it out of my food and having it tangle in my mask. I'll get the pedicure I haven't had in ages. I'll feel comfortable getting to the dentist and dealing with the jagged pieces of my left bottom wisdom tooth that I can feel occasionally cutting the inside of my cheek. I will do these things knowing with a reasonable degree of certainty that I am not a plague vector, and that the people cleaning my cuticles or sticking pointy things in my mouth are not in danger from me, nor am I from them.

Could I have done most of those things before? Probably. But I'm not the world's biggest fan of playing Russian roulette, and especially of not knowing whether I'm even carrying a gun.

"We all have a platform. We all have a voice & they all hold weight. Silence is a luxury."

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PostPosted: 03/15/21 5:06 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Queenie wrote:
GlennMacGrady wrote:
Different topic: Will getting fully vaccinated change your life?

It hasn't changed ours. We still have to mask, socially distance, stay away from groups, can't travel, and can't go to places or events that remain closed or attendance-restricted per incongruous political-qua-"medical" decisions made by various state and local politicians.

But it doesn't really matter to us. When you're old and unemployed, and most of your family and friends are dead or otherwise gone away, there isn't much to do anyway.

The only difference getting fully vaccinated has made in my life so far is knowing that I have made a small contribution to accelerating herd immunity (and hopefully the end of media panic porn) -- herd immunity being the only way epidemics can end and be demoted to endemics. Once Covid is reduced to a worldwide endemic disease, which I believe is the most likely outcome, I will live with it having the same level of fear I have at my age for the flu. Which is the same level of fear I had for Covid before I was vaccinated.

When I'm fully vaccinated, I will be able to visit my also fully-vaccinated dad, who I have seen once in the last year, and give him a hug. We might not let go for a while. I'll feel comfortable being indoors long enough to get my hair sheared so that it's not in everything, because I am tired of picking it out of my food and having it tangle in my mask. I'll get the pedicure I haven't had in ages. I'll feel comfortable getting to the dentist and dealing with the jagged pieces of my left bottom wisdom tooth that I can feel occasionally cutting the inside of my cheek. I will do these things knowing with a reasonable degree of certainty that I am not a plague vector, and that the people cleaning my cuticles or sticking pointy things in my mouth are not in danger from me, nor am I from them.

Could I have done most of those things before? Probably. But I'm not the world's biggest fan of playing Russian roulette, and especially of not knowing whether I'm even carrying a gun.

I feel the same. I may still be wearing a mask, but I've already lined up appts for a hair cut, dentist, car repairs, and some shopping for things I can't buy without seeing in person. I've been phobic about wiping down things like groceries and Amazon deliveries before bringing them in the house and I will be able to forgo that. One of my good friends was vaxxed in Jan (healthcare worker), and her husband is getting vaxxed soon (age), so I'll at least be able to see them.

This last year has been so hard. I had massive back surgery last Jan, came home very debilitated, and 6 weeks later my whole support system and social contacts disappeared due to COVID. Any incremental improvement in my ability to do things and see people will make a huge difference in my life.


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PostPosted: 03/15/21 6:17 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
Got an appointment! Tomorrow morning! Shocked First try.

Cool! Was this due to the volunteer gig?

"Women are judged on their success, men on their potential. It’s time we started believing in the potential of women." —Muffet McGraw

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PostPosted: 03/15/21 6:55 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Got my first shot today. Felt a little funny at first, and I have a bit of a dead arm feel, but otherwise very quick and easy. Was actually vaccinated by the cousin of one of my students. Smile

My second one is on Easter. Laughing

Interested in seeing which shot gives me symptoms. From what I've heard, the first one is worse for people who have had Covid, second for people who haven't. I'm about 95% positive I had the asymptomatic version..(way back in early February last year, sat next to a colleague sick with Covid..then I lost my sense of smell for two weeks..didn't know much about Covid at the time, nor did I know losing your sense of smell was a symptom - so I was actually pretty freaked out at the time..) So...not sure how the shot is shaking out for asymptomatic people.

Gotta say, I've been blessed to live in CT. Lamont did an unbelievable job - and because of the job he did, I've been able to trust that his guidelines are safe, and therefore I've been living a "safe" but at least existing social life. Still, work has not been the same (teaching remotely)...and I'm really hoping to have the students in person this year, and an in person graduation (killed me to have the drive through graduation last year..)..and I haven't seen my grandmothers much at all, and I'll be able to soon. it's exciting to see an end to this.

“Anyone point out that a Donald Trump anagram is ‘Lord Dampnut’”- Colin Mochrie

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PostPosted: 03/15/21 11:43 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Ex-Ref wrote:
jammerbirdi wrote:
Got an appointment! Tomorrow morning! Shocked First try.

Cool! Was this due to the volunteer gig?

Nope. Just the opening up of the 16-64 group w/qualifying illnesses.

I tried to send a message to my doc through the provider’s system app early this morning. But it wouldn’t send. Weird. Like maybe it had crashed. So around about 10:30 AM it finally went through. But by then I’m thinking this is all moving too slow. I’m going to end up way way back in the line. So I got on the MyTurn website and registered and filled out the questionnaire which determined my eligibility. Then it gave me a list of locations, I was thrilled to be able to pick the location of my actual provider, and then it rebooted my app FROM that provider (pretty slick) and showed me the times and dates of the next available appointment. And I’m looking... and everything was tomorrow and starting at 8:30. So now I’m just a little bit in shock. I was helping mrs jammer schedule her appointment a few months ago and it was like trying to hit a moving target. As we picked available appts they were no longer available. So in a panic I chose the first slot and it kicked back that I had that time slot. Sent another message to my doc to let them off the hook and her assistant responded saying she could see that I was booked.

Today was a good day.

Very beautiful reading you guys sharing what you’re going to be doing when you’re all juiced up. Can’t wait.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 12:26 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

insidewinder wrote:
jammerbirdi wrote:
Got an appointment! Tomorrow morning! Shocked First try.

Excellent, congrats.

Thank you and congratulations back to you.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 12:30 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

mercfan3 wrote:
Got my first shot today. Felt a little funny at first, and I have a bit of a dead arm feel, but otherwise very quick and easy. Was actually vaccinated by the cousin of one of my students. Smile

My second one is on Easter. Laughing

Interested in seeing which shot gives me symptoms. From what I've heard, the first one is worse for people who have had Covid, second for people who haven't. I'm about 95% positive I had the asymptomatic version..(way back in early February last year, sat next to a colleague sick with Covid..then I lost my sense of smell for two weeks..didn't know much about Covid at the time, nor did I know losing your sense of smell was a symptom - so I was actually pretty freaked out at the time..) So...not sure how the shot is shaking out for asymptomatic people.

Gotta say, I've been blessed to live in CT. Lamont did an unbelievable job - and because of the job he did, I've been able to trust that his guidelines are safe, and therefore I've been living a "safe" but at least existing social life. Still, work has not been the same (teaching remotely)...and I'm really hoping to have the students in person this year, and an in person graduation (killed me to have the drive through graduation last year..)..and I haven't seen my grandmothers much at all, and I'll be able to soon. it's exciting to see an end to this.

mrs jammer had the slight dead arm thing as well. I think her first shot was worse than the second. But both were ultra-mild. Some soreness in the arm. She did mention a chemical taste in her mouth both times and that was only on the day of the shot. Good luck to you.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 10:02 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Off to get my shot. Just want to say, anyone who looks as old as I do should have been vaccinated a long time ago. Cool

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 10:16 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
Off to get my shot. Just want to say, anyone who looks as old as I do should have been vaccinated a long time ago. Cool

*I* didn't wanna mention that....glad you did. Laughing Laughing

Oregon: Go Ducks!
"Inévitablement, les canards voleront"

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 10:34 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Surprise! Just got the J&J. Still living.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 11:28 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

One and done is pretty sweet. I was given the Pfizer. I tend to get vaccine reactions so I was unsurprised to end up with a sore arm and feeling a little off about 12 hours after the shot. Just sore arm now. If I had been offered J&J I would have taken it, but Pfizer was totally fine too.


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PostPosted: 03/16/21 11:45 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

insidewinder wrote:
One and done is pretty sweet. I was given the Pfizer. I tend to get vaccine reactions so I was unsurprised to end up with a sore arm and feeling a little off about 12 hours after the shot. Just sore arm now. If I had been offered J&J I would have taken it, but Pfizer was totally fine too.

I was hoping for the JJ but I thought I saw on my appointment that I would be getting the Pfizer. So I was geared up for that and in my head planning on how that would impact the immediate future. But wanting the J&J. So when the nurse said you’re getting the J&J of course naturally now I’m instantly apprehensive. But I’m happy that I will be fully inoculated in just a couple of weeks.

Yeah, I have to admit I feel a little weird. No pain in the arm but just a little bit off. Not quite lightheaded but I feel like I could get there. Probably just need to eat.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 12:24 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
insidewinder wrote:
One and done is pretty sweet. I was given the Pfizer. I tend to get vaccine reactions so I was unsurprised to end up with a sore arm and feeling a little off about 12 hours after the shot. Just sore arm now. If I had been offered J&J I would have taken it, but Pfizer was totally fine too.

I was hoping for the JJ but I thought I saw on my appointment that I would be getting the Pfizer. So I was geared up for that and in my head planning on how that would impact the immediate future. But wanting the J&J. So when the nurse said you’re getting the J&J of course naturally now I’m instantly apprehensive. But I’m happy that I will be fully inoculated in just a couple of weeks.

Yeah, I have to admit I feel a little weird. No pain in the arm but just a little bit off. Not quite lightheaded but I feel like I could get there. Probably just need to eat.

I actually read that the vaccine can cause your blood pressure to drop - something I'm prone too. (I have this blood/needle phobia thing..that's not really a phobia but causes your blood pressure to drop)..and I felt a little funny for ten minutes, but then recovered. I kind of recognized the feeling and knew what was going on, but didn't know the vaccine can actually cause it too. I found a mint helped.

“Anyone point out that a Donald Trump anagram is ‘Lord Dampnut’”- Colin Mochrie

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 12:28 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

mercfan3 wrote:
..and I felt a little funny for ten minutes, but then recovered.

I trust the vax personnel DID require you all to sit around for 15 min., for just such reasons, and to determine that there was no allergic reaction, as well.

Must say, my life hasn't been overly different since the vaccine. I had been doing things like going to the grocery store, Dr. appts., fitness center, church and even out for Thursday night trivia gatherings (all masked and distanced appropriately) for months now. But there is much less stress about negative possibilities.

Just spoke with a long-time friend yesterday, with whom I haven't talked in a long while. She's my age, African American, with the co-morbidities of diabetes and overweight. She tells me she had Covid last month. Felt generally weak and debilitated, but no fevers or difficulty breathing. Husband either didn't get it or was totally asymptomatic. I still find these 'exceptions' to the general narrative to be most puzzling.

Oregon: Go Ducks!
"Inévitablement, les canards voleront"

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 12:44 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Howee wrote:
mercfan3 wrote:
..and I felt a little funny for ten minutes, but then recovered.

I trust the vax personnel DID require you all to sit around for 15 min., for just such reasons, and to determine that there was no allergic reaction, as well.

Must say, my life hasn't been overly different since the vaccine. I had been doing things like going to the grocery store, Dr. appts., fitness center, church and even out for Thursday night trivia gatherings (all masked and distanced appropriately) for months now. But there is much less stress about negative possibilities.

Just spoke with a long-time friend yesterday, with whom I haven't talked in a long while. She's my age, African American, with the co-morbidities of diabetes and overweight. She tells me she had Covid last month. Felt generally weak and debilitated, but no fevers or difficulty breathing. Husband either didn't get it or was totally asymptomatic. I still find these 'exceptions' to the general narrative to be most puzzling.

Yup, 15 minutes wait.

I think there is a theory about blood type being the biggest indication of how severe you get it. It might explain situations like this.

“Anyone point out that a Donald Trump anagram is ‘Lord Dampnut’”- Colin Mochrie

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 12:48 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

mercfan3 wrote:
jammerbirdi wrote:
insidewinder wrote:
One and done is pretty sweet. I was given the Pfizer. I tend to get vaccine reactions so I was unsurprised to end up with a sore arm and feeling a little off about 12 hours after the shot. Just sore arm now. If I had been offered J&J I would have taken it, but Pfizer was totally fine too.

I was hoping for the JJ but I thought I saw on my appointment that I would be getting the Pfizer. So I was geared up for that and in my head planning on how that would impact the immediate future. But wanting the J&J. So when the nurse said you’re getting the J&J of course naturally now I’m instantly apprehensive. But I’m happy that I will be fully inoculated in just a couple of weeks.

Yeah, I have to admit I feel a little weird. No pain in the arm but just a little bit off. Not quite lightheaded but I feel like I could get there. Probably just need to eat.

I actually read that the vaccine can cause your blood pressure to drop - something I'm prone too. (I have this blood/needle phobia thing..that's not really a phobia but causes your blood pressure to drop)..and I felt a little funny for ten minutes, but then recovered. I kind of recognized the feeling and knew what was going on, but didn't know the vaccine can actually cause it too. I found a mint helped.

Yeah that’s exactly what it feels/felt like. The instant the vaccine went in I felt it. I take shots like they’re nothing usually so something definitely went down in my body as soon as I got the shot. Blood pressure sounds about right. I’m not feeling that anymore. Just more lethargic. Which is to say, pretty normal for me. Wink.

Of course, you’ll all be receiving regular updates every ten minutes as you get the jammerchondriac through this difficult time. Wink Someone bring me some juice.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/16/21 12:57 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Howee wrote:
mercfan3 wrote:
..and I felt a little funny for ten minutes, but then recovered.

I trust the vax personnel DID require you all to sit around for 15 min., for just such reasons, and to determine that there was no allergic reaction, as well.

Must say, my life hasn't been overly different since the vaccine. I had been doing things like going to the grocery store, Dr. appts., fitness center, church and even out for Thursday night trivia gatherings (all masked and distanced appropriately) for months now. But there is much less stress about negative possibilities.

Just spoke with a long-time friend yesterday, with whom I haven't talked in a long while. She's my age, African American, with the co-morbidities of diabetes and overweight. She tells me she had Covid last month. Felt generally weak and debilitated, but no fevers or difficulty breathing. Husband either didn't get it or was totally asymptomatic. I still find these 'exceptions' to the general narrative to be most puzzling.

I have never been tested. And I had a weird little coughing jag two or three times the past few days. So I was wondering what issues are associated with a non-symptomatic or mildly symptomatic person who has an active infection receiving the vaccine. I had heard months ago from a medical professional that you should get the vaccine “as long as you’re not in the throes of illness.”

It would have been totally counter to my basic nature to have not been convinced that I had covid about 12 different times this past year. I was hoping this latest case Wink would be cleared up before I got an appointment but happily (I think) that was not to be. Wink

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17
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