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PostPosted: 05/04/06 3:13 pm    ::: Re: My Immigrant Rant Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
hooper1 wrote:

Wake-up. You don't see anyone complaining about Canadians because they don't look "different" and they don't speak a different language. You can pretend that there's no element of racism in the debate over immigration, but there most certainly is.

Racism is alive and well, and it is people like you who keep it going. Sad indeed.

Oh yes, so I'm a racist now too. Love it. Tena and now me. You think nothing of throwing around one of the worst accusations that can possibly be made among enlightened people. This is your contribution to the illegal immigration debate? Come to the board and tell people who don't tow your politically correct line that they're racist. And you're telling me to wake up. Wake up yourself. The Canadian argument is a diversion. Quickly boxing someone who has something to say on the subject of immigration into an argument over what to call people is also a diversion based on politically correct pedantry. But calling people who simply have the temerity to discuss illegal immigration from a side other than yours RACIST is the biggest diversion of all and in this case it's also absolute bullshit and you should be ashamed that all you could do in this discussion is tell shit-headed lies about people.

Let me ask you a question. Why did you put Mexican in quotation marks like it's a racial slur or a word you yourself could only quote? That's how fucking tied down to the ideology of political correctness you are.

They're not all Mexicans you know. Some of them are from other countries. Many don't like to be called Mexicans you know. Let's not talk about the impact on illegals coming accross the Mexican border. That's a racist discussion. Let's instead talk about what to call them, eh. What about Canadian illegal immigration? Huh? Why are we focusing on Mexica... oops... I mean "Hispanics?"

Why don't you BRING some intelligence to the other side of this debate instead of being a horse's ass? Refute some of the stuff I've said. Discuss the impact on the working poor of America of having people come across the border (Would that be the Canadian border, Einstein?) who are willing to work for money Americans couldn't live on because they live 20 in an apartment?

Ay something that reflects an understanding of real life for a change.

Hey! Knock it off! We had sidetracked this thread into a discussion of the fabulous Kim Zimmer and daytime soaps. The real important stuff.


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PostPosted: 05/04/06 4:17 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Keegan wrote:
*goes to local travel agent to pick up brochures about Mexico* Wink

Don't. Or bring your own food. Fucking Mexicans.

Kings of the World!

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PostPosted: 05/04/06 4:49 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

bluewolfvii wrote:
Interesting article in the Times this morning, 'Growing Unease for Some Blacks on Immigration'

Here is some related commentary, "Blacks and the Minutemen: Two Views".

Okay. I love the article because it is starting to touch on this aspect which I contend is poorly understood or even discussed. Bravo.

BUT... just like the ABC7 report I mentioned here yesterday, it doesn't delve as deeply into the TRUTH as it could. Here is exactly what I'm talking about.

Others worry about the plight of low-skilled black workers, who sometimes compete with [Hispanic] immigrants for entry-level jobs.

Sometimes compete? I don't know what to even make of that. It's just such a polite dance around the truth. In Los Angeles, the city in the United States with the largest population of Hispanics, both illegal and legal immigrants as well as natural born American citizens of Hispanic decent, black workers do not, by any stretch of the definition, COMPETE with Hispanic workers for "entry-level" (that's funny!) jobs. Maybe a Starbucks here, maybe a McDonalds there. But restaurant kitchen work, which is here an almost unimaginably large employment path, is virtually off limits to black people. Go back and read the thread I wrote a few weeks ago. I point out another very disturbing fact regarding the situation and that is the Hispanic work force that dominates restaurant work in LA understands the implications of that dominance for Hispanics and has practiced overt racial discrimination against African Americans in order to perpetutate their primacy in this area of employment.

You can't expect people who have crossed over the border illegally and whose very presence in this country is illegal to suddenly appreciate and respect and COMPLY with the legal protections that are in place in this country in regards to employment discrimination. You can't even blame the restaurant owners as you could the mine owners in the stories of women who first went into coal mines who were met with the abuse of men who were also trying to protect their jobs from this unwanted threat. Again, discrimination is ILLEGAL. But this type of discrimination where it is such an entrenched and understood fact that black people need not apply is very very hard to fight legally. The only people with any legal liability are the owners of the businesses who are absolutely at the mercy of their latino kitchens.

It's galling, people, to witness African Americans AGAIN shut out of opportunities by people who are determined to protect their own and, in this case, hold job opportunities for others of their ethnicity who have and will come to this country illegally. That's reality. And it's not just the restaurant business where this ascendency of the Hispanic worker over any other minority has occured in Southern California. It's relatively well paying construction jobs in LA. Groundskeeping jobs.

"All of this has made me start thinking, 'What's going to happen to African-Americans?' " said Brendon L. Laster, 32, a black fund-raiser at Howard University here, who has been watching the marches. "What's going to happen to our unfinished agenda?"

So many of my friends here are black and I know that very often black people do NOT want to think about race every five minutes and I've been hesitant actually to go where I'm about to go. But I'm going there. This country is ROTTING in my opinion because of its failure to address endemic racial inequality between blacks and whites throughout its entire history. We had some good years in the 90s with the tech bubble but even then, black people were left behind. We have not corrected the mistake and injustice of slavery and what came after. America was built on slavery and it must, it seems, retain its tenuous grip on the slippery high living standard (already behind much of the world in so many areas) enjoyed by a dwindling percentage of its citizens by the exploitation of some ethnic minority or another.

These black thinkers have good reason to be concerned about the illegal immigration problem.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 05/04/06 11:44 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

"Unfinished agenda" is right - in my mind there are two.

We must try to insure that discrimination does not occur as Jammer so rightly pointed out. The workers who suffer the most due to illegal persons in the US are those who work in the low-wage fields such as kitchen work, manual labor and unskilled labor. Illegal immigration contributes to the growing disparity between rich and poor, and erodes the ability of those working legally to secure jobs that would actually give raises or decent pay. Historically, those jobs went to African Americans, but not now. Illegal immigration and those workers' willingness to work for so little hurts ALL of us.

The other unfinished agenda I think of is for gay Americans. Granted, this nation-wide discussion of illegal immigration has taken away some of the right-wing heat of the attack against gay marriage. But my personal opinion regarding my lack of rights as a gay American far outweighs my concern for illegal immigrants who want rights they weren't born to. I'm so pissed that there are people who want to grant rights to non-Americans when I can't even have the right to be in a legally-recognized union with my girlfriend! I know that it's not exactly the same kind of issue, but I see them related to a degree.

Ultimately, it's about money and greed. The Repubs are all for guest worker programs that allow the corporate sponsors to keep posting record profits due to incredulously low wages. It keeps supplying "meat" for the machine's grinders, and they are fine with that.

Final question - why, if they can muster over 100,000 marchers here in Phoenix, can Mexicans not muster the will to fix their own country's problems??? If Mexico would put such energy to ridding themselves of corruption, establishing good schools and other positive changes, they'd have their own country worth staying in!

The secret compartment of my ring I fill, with an Underdog super energy pill.

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 1:17 am    ::: Re: My Immigrant Rant Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
You guys. Don't talk about this person like that. You don't know her. She's not a racist and the only thing you're smelling is your own stinky thinking. And please don't insinuate that "many of us" think she is a racist. That's a vile and fantastically off base accusation. Many of us have been posting with her for 6 or 7 years. This thread quickly turned ridiculous when it devolved into a pedestrian argument over the name game instead of a discussion of illegal immigration.

I should probably stay out of this one, but when it comes to this statement; Jammer, you and I are in lockstep here buddy.

You are just saying it a lot nicer than I would. I'm more than familiar with Tena and these folks are damned clueless about both her and their sense of smell.

Playing the race card, when it's not even a 1% factor here is a red herring and nobody should fall for it. Hell, nobody with any integrity should even think it when it comes to Tena.

If bullshit was water, Hilton Koch would be an ocean!

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 1:19 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

SuziQ wrote:
Final question - why, if they can muster over 100,000 marchers here in Phoenix, can Mexicans not muster the will to fix their own country's problems??? If Mexico would put such energy to ridding themselves of corruption, establishing good schools and other positive changes, they'd have their own country worth staying in!

that's kinda hard to do when your government is corrupt itself.

"I get a lot of respect when I threaten to go DeMya on someone."-BCBG25

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 2:14 am    ::: Re: My Immigrant Rant Reply Reply with quote

NK wrote:
jammerbirdi wrote:
You guys. Don't talk about this person like that. You don't know her. She's not a racist and the only thing you're smelling is your own stinky thinking. And please don't insinuate that "many of us" think she is a racist. That's a vile and fantastically off base accusation. Many of us have been posting with her for 6 or 7 years. This thread quickly turned ridiculous when it devolved into a pedestrian argument over the name game instead of a discussion of illegal immigration.

I should probably stay out of this one, but when it comes to this statement; Jammer, you and I are in lockstep here buddy.

You are just saying it a lot nicer than I would. I'm more than familiar with Tena and these folks are damned clueless about both her and their sense of smell.

Playing the race card, when it's not even a 1% factor here is a red herring and nobody should fall for it. Hell, nobody with any integrity should even think it when it comes to Tena.

I just think the worst thing you can possibly do is bottom line someone's entire life by calling them a racist. This is a board of friends. Can't we stop that shit? I don't give a fuck if someone has some impure thoughts here or there or if they didn't mature into adults with NYU professors force feeding them the party line. I don't care about impure thoughts. What you learn in life is that none of us are pure. Tena shoots from the hip and always has. That's what's needed today. It's so incredibly SICKENING to hear white college educated liberals accusing a black southern woman of being racist. Elites (okay, here's more jammer-kilzer synergy) from either side have got the political debate locked down according to their rules. You step out of line, you're either a racist and a closet homophobe to the white liberal college kids or you're a hater of America and Jesus to the religious right. Fuck it all.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 2:27 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Jammer, we disagree yet again.

Your argument reminds me of people who start out a conversation by saying, "Hey, I don't have anything against gays, but...."

What is so horrible about correcting and refining our immigration policy? What is so bad about allowing people to become American citizens? Are you afraid they'll take your job? Are you afraid they'll take your table at a restaurant? Are you afraid that they'll give a disease to you?

Come now. Without all of these immigrants here, you wouldn't have food to put your table and you wouldn't have anyone to work at your local market or program your computer or fix your plumbing.

Interesting that you would assume that all of the undocumented workers are living 20 to a house. Do you also assume that they're lazy too? And brown? That's the problem, isn't it? All of these illegals in the country stealing our tax dollars for health care and living like pigs?

You're so engrained with racism you don't even see it.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 3:27 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

double post

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

Last edited by jammerbirdi on 05/05/06 3:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 3:28 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

hooper1 wrote:
Jammer, we disagree yet again.

Your argument reminds me of people who start out a conversation by saying, "Hey, I don't have anything against gays, but...."

What is so horrible about correcting and refining our immigration policy? What is so bad about allowing people to become American citizens? Are you afraid they'll take your job? Are you afraid they'll take your table at a restaurant? Are you afraid that they'll give a disease to you?

Come now. Without all of these immigrants here, you wouldn't have food to put your table and you wouldn't have anyone to work at your local market or program your computer or fix your plumbing.

Interesting that you would assume that all of the undocumented workers are living 20 to a house. Do you also assume that they're lazy too? And brown? That's the problem, isn't it? All of these illegals in the country stealing our tax dollars for health care and living like pigs?

You're so engrained with racism you don't even see it.

What other PC cliches can you think of to throw at someone? I know there's more. You yourself are such a cliche that you can't see it. Every argument you present sounds like it's coming from the back of the class at freshman sociology. Do you have one original thought or unique observation to offer? Can you write beyond an 11th grade level? Think for yourself? Research? Debate? Because you're not refuting any of the ACTUAL concerns I've pointed out (and signed on to) That's because they're not your concerns at all. Your concern is politically correct posturing while accusing other life long liberals of closet, even subconcious, racism. Simply because they either a) dare to utter the word Mexican or b) dare to point out some uncomfortable realities that are inconvenient to your polictically correct world view. You're kind of pitiful, hooper, because you're not even smart enough to know when you're in over your head.

This is just precious.

Are you afraid they'll take your job? Are you afraid they'll take your table at a restaurant? Are you afraid that they'll give a disease to you?

lol! So you're not happy just being an asshole who goes around calling other lefties racists because they're not cloistered academics but dare, in addition to being erudite, to show more real world knowledge than you do, and so you must SUGGEST fears from your OWN imagination that you project jammer fucking birdi might have regarding illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico? Is that how stupid you are?

Can't you read? I gave my ACTUAL objections to unchecked illegal immigration across the Mexican border. I don't need your stupid ass to project baseless horseshit and try to attach my name to it.

Debate my concerns or go fuck yourself.

And hear this. Stop calling me a racist.

Let me clue you in on something, Einstein.

In this thread you've accused white, black, AND Mexican, of being racist. What are you? Another pasty ass white college girl who's dyed in the wool PC? Sadder, you're probably a 40 something pasty ass white EX college girl who's dyed in the wool PC.

And you're calling people of African American and Mexican decent racists. Isn't that just the fucking way the world is going? Shocked

What did you say to me? Come now.

In lieu of a blackboard, just repeat that to yourself one thousand times.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 3:43 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

And don't even ask who is Mexican because it's none of your fucking business.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 6:51 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Leaving things the way it is (a blind eye to our southern borders being crossed) also allows the exploitation of those that come here for work:

A guest worker program - DOCUMENTATION of workers will protect them. Simply granting amnesty every several years just encourages more people to come here illegally.

Bush announcing that illegals will be considered felons was a bad political move. However, aren't people who violate Federal law, felons?
The Democrat party has no moral high ground here, however.

Calling people racist for wanting a FAIR immigration policy is absolutely absurd.

To not change the current situation would be racist.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 7:36 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I can't begin to express how sick I am of people who are so brainwashed by political correctness that they can't productively join in a dialogue about the issues of the day. They can't even get past the fact that someone would dare use the term Mexican to describe Hispanic or latino immigrants who are almost exclusively Mexican.

Such lightweights.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 9:16 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
I can't begin to express how sick I am of people who are so brainwashed by political correctness that they can't productively join in a dialogue about the issues of the day. They can't even get past the fact that someone would dare use the term Mexican to describe Hispanic or latino immigrants who are almost exclusively Mexican.

Such lightweights.

Jammer, if I hear you make any more assumptions about your debate opponents being pasty white bitches, I'm going to drive to LA and hire the first Mexican restaurant worker I see to serve a bottomless cup of decaf to your overly- caffeinated ass. Then I'm going to surprise you with my 70s copy of Our Bodies, Our Selves across the back of your head.

I put it gently because you and I are kindred spirits. In a different life, you are exactly the sort of man I would have married.

Then had Farrah Fawcett play me in the TV movie.
(j.k Surprised )
Hooper, what you are doing is coming across as shit stirring. When I look in the book under 'R', the Jammer and Tena's faces are not the faces I am going to see under 'Rascism'.

I'm not saying there's no truth to rascism factoring into the immigration debate. According to surveys, many Hispanic speaking legal immigrants believe that rascism is a factor in the current debate. Come at it from that angle and you'll get a better reception that flat out telling the Jammer he's contributing to rascism. There are neo-cons and liberals, Bush supporters and progressives, making funny alliances on BOTH sides of this debate.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 9:27 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Here's an article in today's SF Gate from a columnist who sounds almost as frustrated about the tone this debate has been taking as the Jammer.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 9:37 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

There were a number of California studies in the 90s that indicated an increase in discrimination, racism and disrespectful treatment of ethnics in general and of Latinos in particular. Our poll also reveals that a majority of legal immigrants thinks that this anti-immigrant sentiment is being fueled by racism against immigrants from Latin America and Asia and that the debate about immigration policy has been unfair and based on misinformation.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 10:04 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

SuziQ wrote:

The other unfinished agenda I think of is for gay Americans. Granted, this nation-wide discussion of illegal immigration has taken away some of the right-wing heat of the attack against gay marriage. But my personal opinion regarding my lack of rights as a gay American far outweighs my concern for illegal immigrants who want rights they weren't born to. I'm so pissed that there are people who want to grant rights to non-Americans when I can't even have the right to be in a legally-recognized union with my girlfriend! I know that it's not exactly the same kind of issue, but I see them related to a degree.

I don't have anything to say about the immigration debate, in no small part because I have no desire to called a racist or a pasty bitch today, but this is one I have plenty to say about.

The absolute worst thing going on in the gay movement today is the people who think that gay marriage is the be all end all of the struggle for equal rights. Do you people even live in the same country I do?

In many parts of the country it is perfectly legal to fire emplyees for being gay or lesbian. It is legal to deny them housing. It is illegal for them to adopt children in need of homes because they are better off in orphanages or abusive foster homes than with loving gay people. You have - until they are forced to change by the Supreme Court - states that outlawed sex between gay people, and those states fought that decision hard. The current administration spoke out against the decision, calling it a blow for the country.

In Louisiana, there is an actual political debate about whether it should be legal to discriminate against gay people in STATE employment. There is an executive order against it right now, but just last year that measure FAILED TO PASS INTO LAW. More than half of the legislatures thought that discrimination was OK to have.

In California, you have a major debate about whether schools should include gay people in their text books. You have groups planning lawsuits in case the state says you have to so that they can keep the gays out of schools.

You have elected politicians who call for gays and lesbians to be banned from teaching in schools because they shouldn't be around children.

You have major religious organizations endorsing hatred and discrimination - and in some cases violence - against gays and lesbians.

You have public universities who do not make moves to stop their employees from discriminating against gay and lesbian students.

You have people boycotting Wal-Mart and other companies because they dare sell a movie that involves a gay love story.

You have an administration who villainizes gay people at every opportunity, took down mentions of sexual orientation protection from the EEOC Website and others.

You have scientists who are forced to remove refernences to gay men and lesbians out of fear losing federal funding for research. You have a decline in research money for HIV from the NSF and NIH because the federal government does not want to support that research. In some instances you even have peer review of applications being replaced or superceded by political appointees who are keeping funding for research that doesn't support their anti-gay agenda.

You have RIGHT NOW a US soldier going to jail after being court marshalled for having gay sex. He is going jail!

We have in my own community a bar owners who throw people out of their bars for dancing in same-sex couples. Four lesbians were recently given lifetime bans for simply dancing together.

You have the Gay Games being held in Chicago boycotted by many in the gay community because the country refuses to let HIV-positive people into the country. You have others boycotting the sponsors of those Games because the companies dare support a gay event.

You have efforts to address AIDS in Africa while one HIV non-profit after another shuts down in this country because they can't get any funding to help people stay alive.

In community after community, not only do politicians and the public fight against hate crime legislation, those that have it fight to keep sexual orientation from being included.

You have a gay community who is afraid to talk about problems like meth use and unsafe sex and AIDS because it might interfere with the marriage push. Men - and some women - in our community are DYING because no one wants to talk about things that we don't want the straight community to hear. We are KILLING people because of the narrow focus on one issue.

And people want to say that agenda is unfinished because there isn't same-sex marriage?? That complete cluelessness among the gay community is as much what is perpetuating the things above as bigotry. How much good will same-sex do when those couples are fired from their jobs, thrown out of their rented homes, banned from having children, kept out of the military or if they sneak in thrown in jail for having sex, and allowed to suffer and die if they happen to get a deadly disease. And while all that is going on, a large portion of the country will be standing by and cheering.

It sickens me that as a community we will just sit back and watch all of these things happen to us, but if one county decides to give workers domestic partner benefits we talk about how far we have come.

Fuck that.

It makes me sick.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 10:52 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Matty, that's a courageous post. Thanks for saying it.

Here's what I agree with. From my perspective, the timing and terminology of 'gay marriage' is too much, too soon, and has people in an uproar.

Which is exactly why the anti-gay forces keep thrusting gay marriage into our faces. It seems lately there are pushes to get gay marriage on the ballot in every municipality and state, and most of those places already have the Defense of Marriage Act or some facsimile on the books. Many of those places also provide for NO protections for gays in housing, employment, etc., which is why Jennifer Harris' filing with the PA HRC had to include 'gender' and 'race'-- 'sexual orientation' is not protected.

So why the push to get gay marriage on the ballots? Isn't it like dragging an already dead man behind a horse?

Becase polls show that in some states, a majority of voters favor civil unions that would give gays some of the same protections and rights as straights, and the anti-gays don't want to see that.

Inheritance, for example, or the right to remain in the house they both lived. Mutual possessions. The right to decide how to bury a spouse. (When my girlfriend dies, she is probably doing to be watching CSI and I won't even notice. Wink )

Can I have the right to her remains? Or will the state deny me and attempt to find the brother she speaks with 3-4 times a year.

Make no mistake, the anti-gays who keep pushing for 'gay marriage' on the ballot so they can scare the citizenship into voting against it want gays to have NO RIGHTS, whatsover. They'd llke to re-criminalize sodomy and deport us or put us in conversion camps.

Fuck THEM.

Some younger lesbian friends asked me what we should do if the 'gay marriage' bill makes it out of our state house makes it the ballot. It wouldn't just nullify again the slim-to-none chance we already had of EVER getting this place to recognize another state or nation's legal partnerships. Its intent is to take our EXISTING benefits away.

Hard fought benefits from state universtities like Pitt and Penn State to buy a partner health care would be TAKEN AWAY. Court recognition of a partner's right to pick up the kid at day care or take him to the hospital could be TAKEN AWAY. So gays have to fight for gay marriage because the LINE HAS BEEN DRAWN and the other side is encroaching even as our forces fall back.

The European Union just adopted across the board recognition of gay civil unions and marriages as gays travel through Europe. Canada recognizes and peforms gay marriages across its commonweath of nations. The voters in some US states have come out in support of civil unions for gays.

So when my sisters and brothers advocate for 'gay marriage', or 'civil unions', I'm all for it because that['s what voters are thinking about and courts are going to continue to be deciding about. The fight is being taken to us whether we like it or not. It is becoming all too clear the price we are going to have to pay if the anti-gay forces prevail on 'gay marriage' and we lose.

Last edited by bluewolfvii on 05/05/06 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 10:55 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

bluewolfvii wrote:

I put it gently because you and I are kindred spirits. In a different life, you are exactly the sort of man I would have married.

Well NOW I'm jealous. Laughing

*Just trying to bring this back to a lighter note, if that's possible*

If bullshit was water, Hilton Koch would be an ocean!

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 11:10 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

NK wrote:
bluewolfvii wrote:

I put it gently because you and I are kindred spirits. In a different life, you are exactly the sort of man I would have married.

Well NOW I'm jealous. Laughing

*Just trying to bring this back to a lighter note, if that's possible*

LOL, this is light.

I love you too, but in all my straight fantasies it's Jammer and me falling off the bar stools at Cupka's.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 11:58 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

bluewolfvii wrote:
NK wrote:
bluewolfvii wrote:

I put it gently because you and I are kindred spirits. In a different life, you are exactly the sort of man I would have married.

Well NOW I'm jealous. Laughing

*Just trying to bring this back to a lighter note, if that's possible*

LOL, this is light.

I love you too, but in all my straight fantasies it's Jammer and me falling off the bar stools at Cupka's.

lol! Surely proving Newton wrong I'd hit the floor first and you'd have a big soft place to land.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 12:43 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I apologize to everyone (except the person I was resonding to) for the vitriolic response. The assumption regarding that person's race and gender was a useful device (I sound like Jack Bristow Rolling Eyes) to throw back at an unidentifiable poster who was cavalierly making what has to be one of the worst possible accusations that can be made about someone in a public place. I profile a certain type who would be inclined to come to a message board and simply start pointing to people's thoughts and then proclaiming them to be racist.

Or smelling them. Isn't that what he/she/it said?

I'm sorry, but I see that person. If I'm wrong, it won't be the first time. But if I'm right...

(you get it)

Tena just came over to our board after almost two years of hesitation. She's up North getting mud baths and drinking sparkling apple juice and has no idea what's being said about her. That's no way for her time here to begin.

As for the other person. I think for someone to so casually make such a derogatory and inflammatory accusation about someone else in such a public place is deserving of a harsh response.

That's the second time in a month that someone has said I "remind" them of a homophobe.

Well maybe they remind me of a pasty white bitch. Twisted Evil

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 05/05/06 12:52 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

LMAO! That cracked me up when I read it the first time too jammer.


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 1:15 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

jammerbirdi wrote:
hooper1 wrote:
Jammer, we disagree yet again.

Your argument reminds me of people who start out a conversation by saying, "Hey, I don't have anything against gays, but...."

What is so horrible about correcting and refining our immigration policy? What is so bad about allowing people to become American citizens? Are you afraid they'll take your job? Are you afraid they'll take your table at a restaurant? Are you afraid that they'll give a disease to you?

Come now. Without all of these immigrants here, you wouldn't have food to put your table and you wouldn't have anyone to work at your local market or program your computer or fix your plumbing.

Interesting that you would assume that all of the undocumented workers are living 20 to a house. Do you also assume that they're lazy too? And brown? That's the problem, isn't it? All of these illegals in the country stealing our tax dollars for health care and living like pigs?

You're so engrained with racism you don't even see it.

What other PC cliches can you think of to throw at someone? I know there's more. You yourself are such a cliche that you can't see it. Every argument you present sounds like it's coming from the back of the class at freshman sociology. Do you have one original thought or unique observation to offer? Can you write beyond an 11th grade level? Think for yourself? Research? Debate? Because you're not refuting any of the ACTUAL concerns I've pointed out (and signed on to) That's because they're not your concerns at all. Your concern is politically correct posturing while accusing other life long liberals of closet, even subconcious, racism. Simply because they either a) dare to utter the word Mexican or b) dare to point out some uncomfortable realities that are inconvenient to your polictically correct world view. You're kind of pitiful, hooper, because you're not even smart enough to know when you're in over your head.

This is just precious.

Are you afraid they'll take your job? Are you afraid they'll take your table at a restaurant? Are you afraid that they'll give a disease to you?

lol! So you're not happy just being an asshole who goes around calling other lefties racists because they're not cloistered academics but dare, in addition to being erudite, to show more real world knowledge than you do, and so you must SUGGEST fears from your OWN imagination that you project jammer fucking birdi might have regarding illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico? Is that how stupid you are?

Can't you read? I gave my ACTUAL objections to unchecked illegal immigration across the Mexican border. I don't need your stupid ass to project baseless horseshit and try to attach my name to it.

Debate my concerns or go fuck yourself.

And hear this. Stop calling me a racist.

Let me clue you in on something, Einstein.

In this thread you've accused white, black, AND Mexican, of being racist. What are you? Another pasty ass white college girl who's dyed in the wool PC? Sadder, you're probably a 40 something pasty ass white EX college girl who's dyed in the wool PC.

And you're calling people of African American and Mexican decent racists. Isn't that just the fucking way the world is going? Shocked

What did you say to me? Come now.

In lieu of a blackboard, just repeat that to yourself one thousand times.

You seem angry. Perhaps I've touched a nerve. Your personal attacks, assumptions about my race, and name calling are childish and desperate (though amusing, I must admit... I've never been called "40-something pasty ass white EX college girl." I got a good laugh out of that one!)

Listen, let me explain it to you in a way that might be able to understand. You are lucky enough to be a citizen of the richest country in the world. My guess (though I could be wrong) is that you generally get enough food to eat, have somewhere to sleep, and have enough resources to take care of yourself and your family. Many people, due to birth circumstances, country of origin, family background, geographical location, political circumstances, etc. do not have those same luxuries that you do.

We have more jobs than we can fill in this country. Immigrants (from all countries) would like to work. We make it expensive and very difficult to come to this country. So these people come to the US in whatever way they can, and work hard and become productive in society (in fact, many are better community members than the US citizens who were born here.) Our government has deemed this illegal. Our government also deemed homosexuality illegal at one point, as well has making slavery legal.) So why the vitriolic hatred of the immigrants. Why not lobby to fix the system instead of complaining that the immigrants might be taking away your precious, privileged resources?

Simple enough, eh?

Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

P.S. You really weaken your argument with all of the profanities and name calling. I count 8 profanities in your last post. Is that the best you can do?


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PostPosted: 05/05/06 1:24 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I don't want to get involved in this bitter argument, but I do want to make one point.

Anyone can be a racist. I work in a school where there is often tension between the Black and Latino students. This has always seemed ridiculous to me. Each group experiences racism from society at large, and then each turns around and delivers it back to another racial minority. Then both groups call each other faggots and bitches. Every day I am telling kids to cut the n-word, the f-word and the b-word.

Anyone can be a racist. And a homophobe. You don't have to be white to be a bigot.

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get it straight - he's great
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