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PostPosted: 02/25/20 10:10 pm    ::: Coronavirus Pandemic Reply Reply with quote

With outbreaks raging in ­Italy, Iran, South Korea and other countries, US authorities now predict coronavirus will strike Americans here, causing “significant disruptions to our lives.” The warning came from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official Nancy Messonnier at a Tuesday briefing.

Some countries are canceling public events, closing businesses and schools, and urging people to stay home. Not so in the United States, though Messonnier sees that coming and has warned families to prepare.

Meanwhile, if you take mass transit to work, wash your hands afterward and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. The virus is transmitted mostly through coughs and sneezing, but also by touching surfaces like subway poles or chair rails after an infected person.

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PostPosted: 02/26/20 1:08 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

This virus becomes a lot harder to stop if the thinking is “you just can’t ban all travel to or from a country with a deadly virus” or “you just can’t quarantine everyone who traveled to a country with a deadly virus” . And “self-quarantine “ is a poor substitute for quarantine. Quarantining is not a good place to try and find cost savings. I heard a Centers for Disease Control guy say that you could ban travel to one country, but if the virus spreads to multiple countries then you would not be able to ban travel to all those countries. He didn’t say why he felt that, but I assume the answer would be “would hurt the economy too much”.


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PostPosted: 02/26/20 7:15 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

tfan wrote:
This virus becomes a lot harder to stop if the thinking is “you just can’t ban all travel to or from a country with a deadly virus” or “you just can’t quarantine everyone who traveled to a country with a deadly virus” . And “self-quarantine “ is a poor substitute for quarantine. Quarantining is not a good place to try and find cost savings. I heard a Centers for Disease Control guy say that you could ban travel to one country, but if the virus spreads to multiple countries then you would not be able to ban travel to all those countries. He didn’t say why he felt that, but I assume the answer would be “would hurt the economy too much”.

You can ban travel to whatever countries you wish, but as long as people are using the same airports to get to those countries, paths are bound to cross and people are bound to become sick/infected.

I could be travelling from LA to London and just standing in line for a coffee next to someone at LAX that just arrived from Mexico City that had been in a rest room with someone that had just arrived from (pick a city), that had been a seat mate with someone from Beijing, it's over. It will take longer to spread, therefore giving time to work on a vaccine/treatment plan and put plans into place, but it's going to spread. Especially with China's denial of a problem for so long.

Also, if I'm going to Wuhan I'm going to be far more careful about wearing masks, washing my hands and avoiding people than I'm going to be if I'm flying from LA to London.

I would not want to be travelling right now, but reality is, I could still get sick in my own community. Someone from a nearby community has already been quarantined.

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PostPosted: 02/26/20 8:50 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

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PostPosted: 02/26/20 4:36 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Ex-Ref wrote:
tfan wrote:
This virus becomes a lot harder to stop if the thinking is “you just can’t ban all travel to or from a country with a deadly virus” or “you just can’t quarantine everyone who traveled to a country with a deadly virus” . And “self-quarantine “ is a poor substitute for quarantine. Quarantining is not a good place to try and find cost savings. I heard a Centers for Disease Control guy say that you could ban travel to one country, but if the virus spreads to multiple countries then you would not be able to ban travel to all those countries. He didn’t say why he felt that, but I assume the answer would be “would hurt the economy too much”.

You can ban travel to whatever countries you wish, but as long as people are using the same airports to get to those countries, paths are bound to cross and people are bound to become sick/infected.

Yes, it probably would have to be a ban on all travel beyond certain minimum exceptions (like shipping) where the travelers would be forced to be quarantined and tested. Or require all travelers to pay for testing and quarantine. Which would bring about all kinds of shrieks and howls (and prevent it from being implemented) and be very disruptive and economically damaging. But it sounds like that virus spreading throughout the country will also be very disruptive and economically damaging, in addition to some amount of deaths. Hopefully the risk of a big spread is low and I am being overly cautious.


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PostPosted: 02/26/20 10:32 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

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PostPosted: 02/27/20 12:29 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Genero36 wrote:

You don't need to travel. Just be near the wrong person at the market who happened to be near the wrong person at airport, etc.

Surprisingly, Hawaii, the Crossroads of the Pacific for Asia/USA hasn't had a case yet. A couple who left the islands with no symptoms on Feb. 6 arrived in Japan with the virus so officials here are trying to track their activities, folks on the same flight, etc. I would think we will start getting some cases very soon.


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PostPosted: 02/27/20 10:06 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

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PostPosted: 02/27/20 10:30 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

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PostPosted: 02/28/20 1:32 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Israeli scientists: 'In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine'

Texas company claims to have developed coronavirus vaccine

UT Austin makes "breakthrough" in Coronavirus research, supports vaccine design

Now the bad news: There are few things I've seen in my life more hyped than multifarious erroneous stories about supposed medical breakthroughs and cures. Yet, one can hope.

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PostPosted: 02/28/20 4:29 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

South Korea is doing a great job on testing.


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PostPosted: 02/28/20 9:04 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Just saw that someone in my county, Santa Clara (Silicon Valley) , has contracted the virus and has not traveled recently and has not knowingly been in contact with someone who has traveled. The first case was a guy who had recently flown back from Wuhan, China, the area where it started. I just watched a video about that case and a health official at a press conference tries to reassure residents that they have been preparing for a local outbreak as “we have many residents who travel abroad for business and pleasure”. But unfortunately, their preparation did not include testing people who just flew in from Wuhan Province. His case was only detected after he twice sought medical treatment. That’s a great way for the spread of the virus to be “inevitable” - let people fly in from the epicenter and wait for them to go to the doctor and have the CDC test them and notify health authorities that they have it.


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PostPosted: 03/01/20 5:39 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Fauci, et al., in The New England Journal of Medicine:

The median age of the patients was 59 years, with higher morbidity and mortality among the elderly and among those with coexisting conditions (similar to the situation with influenza); 56% of the patients were male. Of note, there were no cases in children younger than 15 years of age. Either children are less likely to become infected, which would have important epidemiologic implications, or their symptoms were so mild that their infection escaped detection, which has implications for the size of the denominator of total community infections.
. . . .

If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.

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PostPosted: 03/02/20 9:52 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

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PostPosted: 03/03/20 1:31 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

5thmantheme wrote:
South Korea is doing a great job on testing.

These guys don't fool around. Doing drive-thru testing -- don't even get out of your car, which helps protect the testing crew too.


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PostPosted: 03/03/20 1:49 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Meanwhile as to the flu in the U.S., which the media and stock market don't seem to care about, the CDC's Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report for the week ending February 22, 2020, reports that:

CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 32 million flu illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 18,000 deaths from flu.

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PostPosted: 03/04/20 9:42 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Just received this e-mail at work this this morning right after the learning the person I'm reading about is one of the lawyers in my division whose office is 20 feet away from me.

In the interest of keeping everyone informed, I write to let you know that one of our attorneys at xxxx has been directed by Westchester officials to self-isolate. He attended services at the same synagogue as a patient who is currently hospitalized with coronavirus. While they attended services at the same location, they did not attend services at the same time and did not come into contact with one another. Our colleague and his family members remain free of symptoms and the likelihood that they contracted coronavirus by attending the same synagogue as someone with a confirmed case is negligible. Nevertheless, he and his family have been directed to stay home until next week which will be just over 14 days after the patient with the confirmed case last attended services at the synagogue.

While other members of the xxxx community have reported having flu-like symptoms, they have followed medical advice and been seen by a medical professional. As of this writing, no xxxx employee has reported testing positive for coronavirus.

Please continue to follow DOHMH guidance to best protect yourself from illness. For the most up-to-date guidance and information, please visit the DOHMH site

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PostPosted: 03/04/20 10:55 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

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PostPosted: 03/04/20 11:59 am    ::: Reply Reply with quote

Case found at Kaiser Permanente Hospital, 2.8 miles from the jammer.

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PostPosted: 03/04/20 1:54 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

one of my american friends here in portugal, a southern californian, and i decided independently that we should stockpile food and supplies in the event we find ourselves quarantined in our own apartments. and there aren't even any reported cases in portugal yet (bate na madeira!).

then a friend in the bay area texted me today about stockpiling at costco, said the line for water was almost to the front of the store, and they couldn't stock toilet paper and paper towels fast enough. (funny, 'cause i was just thinking, when i did my grocery order online, that i didn't get enough toilet paper and paper towels!)

as i made my online order, i noticed that the most common items - like black beans and coffee - and the most common brands were out of stock, and i couldn't claim a delivery time before friday, two days from now. like i said, we have no reported cases in portugal as of now.

so now i'm asking folks in other parts of the country (and other continents): are you seeing evidence of stockpiling as a result of the coronavirus? i'm beginning to suspect that a lot of folks are secretly freaking out.

those survivalists holed up in the woods and/or underground . . . they don't seem so nutso right about now, huh? because this won't be the last virus (or fill-in-the-blank) to menace the globe.

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PostPosted: 03/04/20 3:23 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

sambista wrote:

so now i'm asking folks in other parts of the country (and other continents): are you seeing evidence of stockpiling as a result of the coronavirus? i'm beginning to suspect that a lot of folks are secretly freaking out.

Yeah we bought 10 soy creamers from Trader Joe’s. Just trying to stay out in front of this thing.

Every woman who has ever been presented with a career/sex quid pro quo in the entertainment industry should come forward and simply say, “Me, too.” - jammer The New York Times 10/10/17

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PostPosted: 03/04/20 5:25 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

taropatch wrote:
5thmantheme wrote:
South Korea is doing a great job on testing.

These guys don't fool around. Doing drive-thru testing -- don't even get out of your car, which helps protect the testing crew too.

Vancouver and British Columbia were up and running their Test Kits more than a month ago.

But the stodgy USA just got testing going yesterday.


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PostPosted: 03/04/20 5:36 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

sambista wrote:

so now i'm asking folks in other parts of the country (and other continents): are you seeing evidence of stockpiling as a result of the coronavirus? i'm beginning to suspect that a lot of folks are secretly freaking out.

My little town has ~8% Chinese college student population, and they made runs on flu masks back in January. The local WalMart has been hiding their supply. Somebodies' conspiracytheory'book went off about Clorox bleach wipes, and a $1 store got that run ... but the cleaning supplies right next to it were untouched, as was the laundry bleach. Doctor offices are ditching hand shakes, etc.


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PostPosted: 03/04/20 5:55 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

I hope this ends the disgusting custom of shaking hands for good

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PostPosted: 03/04/20 6:37 pm    ::: Reply Reply with quote

pilight wrote:
I hope this ends the disgusting custom of shaking hands for good

I've always been one for a solid fist bump.


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